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Creating Pages

In this section, we will learn about creating pages in D2KLab Explorer.

Pages are basically React components, and can include other components or even custom ones.

Add a page

React is used as the UI library to create pages. Every page component should export a React component, and you can leverage the expressiveness of React to build rich and interactive content.

Create a file /src/pages/hello.js:

import Layout from '@components/Layout';
import PageTitle from '@components/PageTitle';
import Header from '@components/Header';
import Body from '@components/Body';
import Footer from '@components/Footer';

const Hello = () => {
return (
<PageTitle title="Hello!" />
<Header />
display: 'flex',
justifyContent: 'center',
alignItems: 'center',
height: '50vh',
fontSize: '20px',
Edit <code>pages/hello.js</code> and save to reload.
<Footer />

export default Hello;

Once you save the file, the development server will automatically reload the changes. Now open http://localhost:3000/hello and you will see the new page you just created.

Each page doesn't come with any styling. You will need to import the Layout component from @components/Layout and use @components/Header and @components/Footer if you want the navbar and/or footer to appear. You can use styled-components to style your components.


Any JavaScript file you create under /src/pages/ directory will be automatically converted to a website page, following the /src/pages/ directory hierarchy. For example:

  • /src/pages/index.js[baseUrl]
  • /src/pages/foo.js[baseUrl]/foo
  • /src/pages/foo/test.js[baseUrl]/foo/test
  • /src/pages/foo/index.js[baseUrl]/foo/